It is hard to believe that I have left this alone for 4 months. Did I finally haul off and get myself a life? In a word: No. My life is just as meaningless (or ful depending on your perspective). So what have I been up to?
In my personal life, I have painted my entire basement, did all of my spring cleaning, and my wife got us a new dog (my new Brew Dog).
In my beer life, I drank (and gave away a lot) those kegs of brown and blonde, we brewed and kegged our Oktoberfest (not as good, in my opinion, as last year), and I have embarked on my quest of discovery using thermo-electric cooling. The jury is still out on the utility of TEC and I don't have a workable solution.
I also stewarded at the American Homebrewer's Association 1st Round National Competition (held by the gracious hosts at Arvarda Beer Company (Arvada, CO)), and passed (barely) the Beer Judge Certification Program entrance exam *(that is a long story that I need to post).
My brother is still talking and researching Barley Wines (which is fun), and my keggerator looks like the City of Detroit (nearly empty).
This all changes this weekend when Dave and I get together to brew again....our summer beers this time a Steam (California Common) and a rebrew of our blonde. Both are rather simple recipes/beers, but we need that as we have had so many equipment problems....we need a smooth brew day.
More later (sooner or later).
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