Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pike's Peak Brewing Company Rebrands!

I think I first spoke about Pike's Peak when I served their beer at the first GABF I voluenteered at.  They are one of my favorite breweries, but I have had a hard time figuring out why.  The beer is good, they have simple food, it is located between my brother's and my house, more times than not when I am there, the brewer comes and says hi (he may or may not recognize me from previous encounters...just not know who I am)....
Ironically, the service there has been spotty....yet, I grant them a pass (for some reason) on this.  They do a nice business, and have a nice crowd, but who doesn't?  I like the rebranding, it means that they are serious taking the next step.  I would love some swag!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Beer interrupted

My home made keggorator gave up the ghost yesterday. The chest freezer
I bought on Craigslist for $80 lasted 5 years.

Luckily, the temp controller and all the other hardware can be reused.

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